
Elements are the working bees of LivingMarkup. They are objects that process DOMElements. How they process the DOMElement is determined by their class. During the object's construction, the element receives arguments that were found in both the DOMElement's attributes and child arg DOMElements from Engine.

Element Development

Elements are easy to make. Simply create a subclass that extends the abstract class \LivingMarkup\Element and add it to the Configuration.


The basic syntax of a element class is shown below.


namespace LivingMarkup\Elements;

class HelloWorld extends \LivingMarkup\Element
    public function onRender()
        return 'Hello, World';

File Path

For ease of use the packaged elements are located inside the /elements directory. Elements defined using the variable {name} in their elements:types:*:class_name are isolated a sub folder within the /elements directory. In order to use an alternative path is for elements the path must be added to composer's autoload section.

Automated Method

Automated methods are element methods that are automatically called by some Builders. When a automated method is called all instantiated elements with method are called.


It is recommended to establish a naming convention for automated methods that distinguish them from other methods. In LivingMarkup, all the packaged automated methods are prefixed with the word on followed by an explanation of the stage of execute.


The default automated methods are defined in the default config.dist.yml.

Parameter Comments
beforeLoad Execute before object data load
onLoad Execute during object data load
afterLoad Execute after object data loaded
beforeRender Execute before object render
onRender Execute during object render
afterRender Execute after object rendered