
Elements are the working bees of LivingMarkup.

Elements are instantiated DOMElements. Much of how an DOMElement is processed is determined by the class_name defined to process them.


During the Element’s construction, the Engine sends arguments that were found in both the DOMElement’s attributes and child arg DOMElements.

Element Development

It is simple to make new Elements.

  1. Create a class that extends the abstract class \LivingMarkup\Element\AbstractElement.
  2. Add an Element to the Processor.
  3. Run the Processor with Markup containing the DOMElement

Hello World Example


namespace Ouxsoft\LivingMarkup\Elements;

class HelloWorld extends Ouxsoft\LivingMarkup\Element
    public function onRender()
        return 'Hello, World';

Bootstrap 4 Alert Example

namespace Partial;

class Alert extends Ouxsoft\LivingMarkup\Element\AbstractElement
    public function onRender()
            case 'success':
                $class = 'alert-success';
            case 'warning':
                $class = 'alert-warning';
                $class = 'alert-info';
        return "<div class=\"alert {$class}\" role=\"alert\">{$this->innerText()}</div>";

LHTML Elements

To allow for library reuse LivingMarkup comes packaged with only LHTML Elements used for test. For additional Elements, see: